UniFi Controller APT howto
- edit /etc/apt/sources.list
## Ubuntu deb
untu ubuntu ubiquiti - add GPG Key
# for Ubiquiti sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv C0A52C50
- update, install, and upgrade
# retrieve the latest package information apt-get update apt-get install unifi
A shell library, unifi_sh_api is provided with the release. here's a sample script to authorize a guest for 30 minutes
#!/bin/sh ## define required variables username=admin password=admin baseurl=https://localhost:8443 site=default ## include the API library . unifi_sh_api unifi_login # authorize a client for 30 minutes, limit down/up speed to 2048/1024kbps, quota is 500MB unifi_authorize_guest "e8:17:22:10:5d:4d" 30 down=2048 up=1024 bytes=500 # generate 10 voucher(s) valid for 60 minutes, limit down/up speed to 2048/1024kbps, quota is 500MB unifi_create_voucher 60 10 down=2048 up=1024 bytes=500 # this returns you a token that you can call by using unifi_get_vouchers() unifi_logout
- AP->Performance view is experimental. Currently it shows what the radio is doing by red (packets not sent because of likely interference) / yellow (packets retried) / green (packets sent)
- voucher.css and voucher.html, at data/sites/SITE_NAME/portal/bundle/, is where you can fully customize your voucher.
- If you have existing customized guest portal, make sure to change form="/guest/login" to form="login" - let the relative path take care of per-site URL
- For API access, you pretty much need to insert /s/SITENAME into the URL. (after login with an admin in for site)
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